Books I’ve read per year. Title - Author (IDBN) ( 2025 The Girl and the Moon (The Book of the Ice book 3) - Mark Lawrence (9780008284886) 2024 (3) The Girl and the Mountain (The Book of the Ice book 2) - Mark Lawrence (9781479245529) The Girl and the Stars (The Book of the Ice book 1) - Mark Lawrence (9780008284794) Doctor Sleep - Stephen King (9781451698855) 2023 (10)
Amateur Radio
Table of Contents Device under test Benchmark tools Network setup Virtual router setup Test router setup Create virtual network Setup Create server Setup accel-ppp on server Create router Create client On ppp/pppoe vs accel-ppp Openwrt settings Results Virtual Router EdgeRouter Lite 3 (OpenWrt) EdgeRouter Lite 3 (EdgeOS) GL.
I recently found out about DevTerm Kit R-01 via Bryan Lunduke. I’ve been interested in RISC V for ages and so far have resisted buying any dev boards as they would just sit in boxes.
IMDB Age is a Greasemonkey script that I wrote. This script adds the age and other various info onto IMDB pages. This script adds the age and other various info onto IMDB pages.
Table of Contents Introduction Solution Method Introduction I recently needed to temperature monitor, log and alert on over temperatures. I had a look in my parts bin and I found a Raspberry PI a 1-Wire HBA, a 1-Wire temperature IC and a 3G dongle.
Table of Contents Introduction A note on getting 1/4 tape The project Signaling and Connectors Control Cable GPIO Relay Quick and dirty software Proper software with yocto Nanbield Update Cluster Build Notes Build on OpenStack Introduction I have known about reel to reel tape for sometime, my Dad has an old 1960’s player in the attic.
Table of Contents Background Parts Cost Post Build Parts Construction Debian Image setup process Debootstrap Install Kernel Customize Install Final chroot commands Wipe SD card and rsync Update SD card with rsync Create SD card images Pre OpenStack installation setup Make myself at home Open vSwitch DNS DoS Add Swap OpenStack Install The Plan preseed-lib openstack-deploy osinstallrc copy files OpenStack Install Post OpenStack install rabbitmq not starting at boot Stop all the services Neutron forward packets to Internet Manual Horizon install amd64 nova compute Cleaning up to start again Bugs to be reported openstack-deploy qemu build deps Testing admin-openrc.
Introduction This is a short howto on creating a small Openstack proof of concept on CentOS. The aim is to create a proof of concept Openstack Liberty deployment on a single Linux testing machine, where the deployment matches real world hardware deployments.
Table of Contents Intro Setup Environment Get Compilin Setup armel chroot Build images Copy Images Serial Booting Install system Intro So I have an old Western Digital Sharespace NAS box that I used to use as my main home NAS.
Introduction My ISP don’t provide IPv6 and the wireless router they give out does not work with IPv6 Tunnels. So I setup a Raspberry Pi as a router on a stick to route IPv6 on my home network to my IPv6 tunnel provider over IPv4.
Here are my essential films. It’s somewhere between my favourite films and a list of films that must been seen. It’s in alphabetical order and I was originally aiming for the 50 mark however there are too many good films so the current count is 83.
I have a Barclaycard credit card and a Halifax credit card. I recently decided to experiment to try to find out how much it cost to use them abroad to withdraw cash from and ATM.
Petrol prices always seem to be in the news. This is mostly because it costs a lot of money and continues to increase all the time. Duty increases and VAT increases are both usually blamed.
I love going to the cinema. I usually go once a week to my local Cineworld multiplex. Their website has changed a few times over the years. Generally the changes have all been improvements and my local cinema listing is good.
ExraIDE is a patch to the Linux kernel to enable more that the standard 20 ide disk drives in a Linux system, as each IDE controller that is driven by the old style drivers be it PATA or SATA (ie not libata).
I benchmarked a few of the gpg ciphers. I created a 1GB file from /dev/urandom with dd. Running “gpg –version” gives a list of available ciphers. I then ran “time cat test | gpg –symmetric –cipher-algo TWOFISH > test.
(Update 01/09/2009 - All of the below is now not necessary as the latest firmware has an option from the web interface to turn on remote root ssh shell access, YAY for Western Digital!
To see how hardy dds tapes were, I decided to do some tests. I apologise for the image quality. Anyway, on with the show. Before My main test was to see how strong the cassettes actually are, so I decided to run one over with my car.